
Summer Reading

Summer Reading: Just Do It!

While reading is an important part of our students' education, we hope reading also becomes an integral part of their lifelong learning process.

We cannot begin to emphasize enough the importance of continued reading during the course of the summer. The summer reading lists have been compiled by the Lutheran North English department from various recommended reading lists for college-bound students. All students are required to participate in summer reading.

Freshman Summer Reading Camp $60.00 ($70.00 after July 1)
Meeting times - July 29-August 2 9:00-11:30 (must attend ALL sessions)

Sophomore Summer Reading Camp $60.00 ($70.00 after July 1)
Meeting times - July 29-August 2 12:30-3:00 (must attend ALL sessions)

Summer Reading Camp Fee is $60.00 ($70.00 after July 1).

Please include a check with your registration. For additional information, contact Justin Dixon at or 314-833-2963.